
Dylan Dog Color Fest n. 28 Cover Art -February 2019

It’s out today in stores!!! This is the second time I’ve got the pleasure to work with master artist Nicola Mari on a great character. The first time we had the chance to create together three covers for miniseries Orfani: Juric (you find the three covers here in the “covers&poster” section) and we finally met again to create this piece. It was fun and a challenge to not over-render these amazing lines and I hope you like the overall mood and the general outcome.

A                   B               C

I did three versions and the one approved above (A) was the one I liked best. You know…don’t always goes like that but I was lucky enough to get the precious Emiliano Mammucari’s feedback to go straight and follow my taste.I post the alternative color proposals for you to enjoy and why not, write me what you think about!

Peace & brushstrokes!
Pencils: Nicola Mari
Colors: Barbara Ciardo
Sergio Bonelli Editore